If you’ve been following my stuff for a while, you’ll know that I’m not a big fan of fruit juice. There’s just too much darned sugar without any of the fiber, and if you buy it commercially (which will, by necessity, mean pasteurized) you’re getting a mere shadow of its former nutritional self.

So the fact that I’m sharing a recipe that is based on orange juice is a little unusual.

A few key differences with this breakfast concoction than your standard juice or smoothie:

  • I only recommend doing this if you have the means to juice fresh oranges yourself.
  • The raw eggs and raw cream are the nutritional powerhouses that offset the sugar spike, give you lasting energy, and start your day with a good protein punch.

This is a delicious and light (despite the eggs and cream) breakfast “creamy” (it’s not really a smoothie, and it’s not really a juice). I like it about an hour before I head to my morning yoga class. Keeps me sustained without feeling heavy.

The most labor intensive part of this experience is the juicing… which I did, by hand, using an old-school juice press. You could speed this up significantly using an electric citrus juicer, but we juice oranges so rarely we don’t keep one of these on hand.

Serves 2

  • Juice from 6-8 oranges (approx 1 to 1 ½ cups fresh juice)
  • 4 raw eggs from pastured chickens
  • ½ cup raw cream

Combine all ingredients in your blender and blend away! The more you blend, the frothier it gets. Enjoy!

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