When I first started out on my 30 Days in the Raw experiment, my first task was to seek out as many raw recipes as I could find.  And because this is a raw primal experiment (as in: we’re eating everything raw – including dairy, eggs, fish and certain meats) I was on the lookout especially for raw meat recipes.

Well, let me tell you, these are hard to come by. When you search for “raw recipes” you’ll find oodles of (delicious) raw desserts, smoothies, and other mostly vegan-friendly recipes, but finding a raw meat recipe is a whole other story.

So I was particularly delighted when I came upon this blog post by a fellow real-food blogger, Small Footprint Family, outlining Four Traditional Ways to Prepare Raw Beef.

Something I’ve been emphasizing to those who look at me as though I’m out of my mind when I tell them I eat raw meat, is that all traditional cultures have some form of raw animal foods in their diet. Check out this post to see how it’s done in France, Italy, Ethiopia, and Thailand.

Before you consume any raw meat, make sure you know the guidelines for doing so safely.

In these 19 days so far, have you braved any raw meat dishes? We’d love to hear how it went! Please share your experience in the comments below.

(photo courtesy of smallfootprintfamily.com)

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