As we tuck into our last week of eating exclusively raw, we’re finding our groove in a daily routine. One of my favorite questions of the three people we’ve interviewed (Max Kane, Brad Keimach, and Melissa Henig) is “What does a day of food look like?” and we’ve been getting that same question a lot ourselves.

Here’s what a day in our raw food life looks like:


Some variation of a green juice blended with raw eggs and raw cream (aka a GAPS Smoothie) or a raw smoothie with raw eggs, raw milk, raw cream, a little raw honey, and some raw fruit.


Either leftovers from dinner the night before or a little antipasto-style plate of raw goodies.


Typically a big salad with some raw meat or raw fish, drizzled with a raw-ified favorite dressing, like this one.


A handful of nuts, a slice or two of raw cheese, maybe some kale chips (new recipes we’re trying coming soon!), a half avocado drizzled with some lemon juice, or – a new discovery on this raw primal diet – a spoonful or two of raw butter mixed with a little raw honey.

We’ve also taken the opportunity to try out some raw desserts, and will have these a couple of nights a week. Favorites so far: raw vanilla bean cheesecake; raw vanilla ice cream; raw chocolate mint bites. We’ve got raw avocado lime tartlets on the menu this week and we’ll let you know how those work out.

The Eat Naked Kitchen Gluten Free Guide

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