I swore I’d never do it.
There are places things go, and places things don’t go. Stick a tube up my butt and then release coffee into it? Um, no thanks. This would fall distinctly in the “places things don’t go” category.
And yet: never say never.
Enemas have been used for hundreds of years for their detoxifying and colon-stimulating benefits. They’re a core component of many health protocols and there’s not much controversy about them. But coffee enemas? That’s a whole other ballgame.
As the story goes, a German nurse in WWI with scarce supplies and hundreds of soldiers in pain, intending to give her patient a water enema, accidentally filled the enema bag with coffee and didn’t realize her mistake until after the coffee was already in the patient. (I can’t even imagine what went through her mind at that moment.) Not only did the patient survive to tell the tale, but he noted a significant reduction in pain. Things that make you go hmmm…
Since then the coffee enema been adopted by many holistic health practitioners, perhaps most famously by the natural cancer treatment, The Gerson Therapy, Dr. Lawrence Wilson in his Nutritional Balancing programs, and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride in the GAPS Protocol. In fact, up to 1984 coffee enemas were listed in the Merck Manual – the handbook used by physicians all over the world. But coffee enemas have also been the subject of a lot of debate – a quick Google search will yield as many who claim they’ll hurt you as heal you.
For years I’ve been hearing about coffee enemas, but the scary stories scared me. I have a history of digestive issues and the idea of anything possibly exacerbating that situation deterred me. And let’s face it: the idea of sticking coffee up my rear wasn’t all that appealing. It’s pretty easy to write it off as crazy.
And then client after client experienced great results with them (not – yet – on my recommendation); colleague after colleague shared both their personal and professional success stories with me. I finally gave in; I had to try it for myself.
I couldn’t believe the results.
First of all the energy! I felt incredible. It wasn’t that typical coffee buzz, this was different: invigorating, refreshing, a clean energy.
The next thing I noticed was how clear-headed I was. It was like a powerful wind swept through and whisked away the mental debris. Kind of like the feeling you get after a week on a good detox – except that this was after a process that took me all of 45 minutes!
I was concerned that it was going to make me constipated. I’ve had colonics before and while I loved the feeling immediately afterward, I was so cleaned out that I wouldn’t have another bowel movement for days, which felt wrong. With coffee enemas, I never had this experience. I’d have some great bonus clean out with the enema, and the next day go right back to my normal schedule. Perfect! Nothing disruptive here.
I also felt so much lighter afterward, and actually weighed myself before and after to see if I was, indeed, losing weight. Turns out I lost between 1.5 and 2 pounds with every enema I did. I know some of that was liquid, but there was a significant amount of old debris that came out as well. I certainly wasn’t doing it for this reason, but it was a nice bonus.
The biggest downside for me? It’s a bit of a logistical feat to make it happen – with a busy business and family life, setting aside the 45 minutes mid-morning to do this (my busiest time of day) is a challenge. I settled into it as a Sunday morning routine, but would happily do it more if I had the time. (I don’t do it in the evenings, which is when I have the most free time, because I find I get so much energy I can’t sleep).
So what on earth is going on with a coffee enema? Why do people love them so much and how do they work?
A coffee enema stimulates the liver to release toxins, freeing it up to do more inner housekeeping.
First, let’s make sure we understand some basics of detoxification. One of the most critical detox pathways is the liver-gallbladder-intestines. In a very over-simplified explanation, it goes like this:
- The liver processes or neutralizes toxins in your body, basically converting them to a form that your body can excrete without causing any collateral damage.
- The liver creates bile, which essentially escorts those neutralized toxins from your body. Bile is also a key emulsifier of fat, making it essential to proper fat digestion.
- The bile gets stored in the gallbladder until you eat a meal that contains fat, at which point the gallbladder contracts and a little flush of bile flows into the top of the small intestine (the duodenum) where it emulsifies the fat and escorts the toxins out of your body via the intestines.
The liver-gallbladder-intestinal pathway is one of the most critical detoxification pathways in the body, and is often compromised at every stage.
With the enormous burden on our livers (we’ve never before subjected the human body to such an endless onslaught of toxins), they easily get overburdened. With the prevalence of poor-quality oils in our food, the bile is often sludgy and thick, leading to gallbladder issues, poor fat digestion, and compromised detoxification. And with the high incidence of digestive dysfunction, many people aren’t eliminating their waste the way they should. (If you have less than one bowel movement per day or if they are hard and dry, I’m talking to you).
The coffee enema works by stimulating all three of these organs
- The Liver – the caffeine in the coffee stimulates the liver to produce more bile (which contains those toxins ready for elimination). It is also believed that the palmitic acid in the coffee activates the enzyme glutathione-S-transferase, one of the most powerful body detoxifiers, and the amino acid glutathione, which binds to toxins so they can leave the body safely. Plain-speak translation: it turns up the volume on the liver’s detoxification processes and makes it easier for the liver to do this work.
- The Gallbladder – the enema also stimulates the gallbladder to release a squirt of bile into the intestines, which stimulates peristalsis and the urge to “evacuate”. Furthermore, the coffee activates enzymes thought to prevent the resorption of this bile (and the toxins it is escorting). This means it makes sure that the bile actually exits the body. This is important because the body, in its desire to conserve resources, re-absorbs and re-circulates bile up to 10 times. This was no big deal in a time much less toxic than ours, but it contributes to our overall toxic load in the highly toxic world we live in today.
- The Intestines – the coffee itself only goes into the colon, and mostly that last portion of the colon – the sigmoid colon. The astringent qualities of the coffee slough off the top layer of the mucous membrane in the colon, which is loaded with toxins and usually ready to be shed. The presence of the water itself stimulates peristalsis in the colon (peristalsis is the series muscular contractions in the walls of the intestines that move nutrients and debris through your digestive tract). The colon gets a nice flush and old debris is removed.
You might be thinking to yourself “Okay, this is all well and good, Margaret, but you put the coffee up your arse. Other than the intestinal flush, none of the rest of this makes sense. How does the coffee get from your colon to your liver?”
Great question.
There is a system of veins connecting your colon and your liver called enterohepatic circulation. These portal veins carry nutrients from your intestines to the liver for further processing before they get circulated in the blood and distributed throughout the body. When coffee enters the colon, the caffeine is absorbed into this system and goes directly to the liver, where it stimulates the detoxification processes I explained above.
But why not just drink the coffee?
Another great question.
Coffee is actually an herb with healing properties. When you drink it, the coffee goes through the body’s digestive processes and gets broken down by stomach acids and enzymes, destroying much of its healing properties. When you insert coffee into the colon, it gets absorbed and shuttled to the liver in its purest form without being denatured by your digestion and thus you receive its full benefit.
A google search of “coffee enema” will yield lots of articles telling you how dangerous they are, but most of the fears are easily dispelled with a little common sense.
Let’s look at the common ones:
Fear 1: It will wipe out gut flora. There is no evidence that coffee enemas negatively alter gut flora. In fact, when the colon is cleaned out of excess debris, it allows the beneficial bacteria to thrive.
Fear 2: Bacterial infection from a dirty enema kit. This is one of those “common sense” items I mentioned. Clean your enema kit properly – I give you instructions on how to do that below – and you’ll be fine.
Fear 3: Burns from hot coffee. So… this one seems obvious to me but: let the coffee cool to room temperature before inserting it. It’s likewise a good idea to let cold coffee come to room temperature before inserting it so that you don’t shock your colon.
Fear 4: Disrupt electrolyte balance. The coffee does have diuretic properties so it’s important to rehydrate properly with water that contains electrolytes. The easiest way to do this is to add a pinch of unrefined sea salt to your drinking water. Done. You can also add some trace minerals to the coffee enema itself. Here’s a brand we use.
Fear 5: Dependence. This was a real fear of mine because I’ve found that with colonics I get stopped up after a few days. The opposite was true with coffee enemas – I found they got everything moving nicely and kept it that way over time. I’ve heard similar reports from clients and other practitioners. The only hint of dependence is that I feel so good afterward, they’re a bit addictive.
Fear 6: Rectal perforation. This is another common sense one: use lots and lots of lube, go slowly, and ONLY use the nozzle that comes with the enema kit. Do not substitute that nozzle with any DIY versions.
There are some very real cautions and coffee enemas are contraindicated in certain situations.
- If you are struggling with a serious health condition, it is always important to consult with your practitioner before starting any new self-care or detox regime.
- If you have a very high toxic burden, particularly high heavy metal toxicity, then I would start with water enemas rather than coffee enemas as a gentler introduction. Stimulating detoxification too quickly in these situations can be dangerous.
- If you suffer from bowel disease, an inflamed colon, colon cancer, or another serious bowel issue, consult your practitioner.
- If you’re pregnant, coffee enemas are contraindicated. Use a water enema with a little sea salt or probiotic added to it instead.
- If you are allergic or sensitive to coffee or caffeine, I would recommend not doing a coffee enema. Again, stick with water with a little sea salt or some probiotic added to it.
- Young children: if you wouldn’t feel comfortable giving your child a cup of coffee to drink, they’re too young for a coffee enema. Again, stick with water or the water/probiotic combo in these cases.
Okay, let’s do this. Here’s what you’ll need:
- An Enema bucket (like this one). You don’t want to use a plastic enema bag because the acidity of the coffee will cause chemicals to leach out of the bag and into the coffee, and then into your colon. The whole point of this is to cleanse, so it’s worth the slightly higher investment to get a quality enema kit.
- A glass or ceramic pot for boiling the coffee. This, again, is to prevent heavy metals from leaching out of the pot and into the coffee as it’s cooking.
- Food grade hydrogen peroxide for cleaning out your supplies.
- Coconut oil or other natural lubricant. Olive oil works well, too.
- A bathtub and lots of towels. The bathtub isn’t essential, but that’s where I like to do it.
- Organic coffee beans. There is special enema coffee that is very lightly roasted, but there is also a debate between practitioners about whether light or dark roast coffee is best. Quite honestly it feels like splitting hairs to me and a good organic dark roast is much easier to find, so that’s what I use. The cleanest coffee on the market is Bulletproof. Very important: this is not somewhere to skimp on buying organic. Coffee crops are one of the highest pesticide-use and mold-ridden crops, and if you’re not at least using organic coffee then you’re just loading yourself up with more chemicals.
- Coffee grinder. It’s best to grind the coffee fresh each time to maintain as much of its herbal healing properties as possible. Also, I store my coffee in the fridge or freezer.
- A fine sieve for straining the coffee
- A glass pitcher or large (1 quart) measuring cup
- Bonus: Liver Support essential oil. Because I do mine in the bath and because I like to support my body on all levels when I do a protocol like this, I add a few drops of this essential oil to the bathwater to encourage my body to release toxins at all levels.
- Bonus: Epsom salts. This makes the bath that much more relaxing and stimulates a gentle detoxification through the skin. Obviously you’d skip this if you’re not doing it in the bath.
- A good book or something fun to watch on your phone/tablet.
Holy Mother of All Things Healthy am I REALLY going to do this?!?
You’ve got all the gear and you’re ready to go. If you’re feeling a bit nervous or freaked out, that’s totally normal. I was, and most people I talk to feel really weirded out about this the first time they do it.
Before we dive into the step-by-step process, here are some considerations worth noting:
Take your usual bowel movement first. This allows for deeper cleaning. And if you’ve got a poop ready to go, your coffee isn’t going to get that far. That said, I’ve had clients who in times of extreme constipation have used this technique to get things moving – so don’t fret if you can’t go beforehand for this reason. If that’s the case, you might want to start off with a basic water enema to do an initial flush and get the most bang for your buck with the coffee enema.
Do your enema in the first half of the day. The process of the enema is deeply relaxing, but the result is amazingly energizing. I would recommend NOT doing this later in the day and definitely not before bed. The one time I did it in the evening I was up almost all night. I felt fabulous, but it didn’t make for a good night’s sleep.
Stay well hydrated. Caffeine is a diuretic no matter which end it entered your body. Make sure to drink lots of water with a pinch of sea salt for added electrolytes.
Okay… let’s do this! Here is the process:
1) Prepare the coffee
Bring 1 quart filtered water (not just tap water) to a low boil with 1-3 Tablespoons organic dark coffee, fresh ground. I suggest you start slow and increase the amount of coffee you use over time as your body gets used to the process. Let the coffee come to a low boil for 12 minutes, then set out to cool. I usually pour it through a sieve and into a quart glass measuring cup at this point, and let it cool there. Make sure you can stick a finger in it comfortably – it might be a little warmer than room temperature, but NOT hot.
2) Prepare your enema kit
Rinse everything through with warm water. I like to flush a little hydrogen peroxide through as well if it’s been a while. Make sure to rinse well. Do this for all components: the bucket, the tube, the nozzle. You want it all to be clean, inside and out.
3) Draw a nice warm bath
This step is a bonus, but I really like to do my coffee enemas in the bath. It’s warm and cozy, I relax more easily, and I’m not as paranoid about coffee spills. For the ultimate relaxation and release, I like to add some Epsom salts and a few drops of Release essential oil. If you don’t want to do it in the bath, I still highly recommend doing it in the bathroom. You can make a little bed of towels on the bathroom floor – just make sure it’s comfy. You’ll be here a while.
4) Prepare the enema
Pour half (2 cups) of the coffee into your enema bucket. Attach the hose firmly and attach the little nozzle to the end of the hose. There will be a little clamp somewhere on the hose to close off the flow. Make sure it’s sealed tight.
Put your enema bucket somewhere near or in your bath. I hang mine over the little stand that holds the hand shower. The key is that it’s close enough for the nozzle to reach you comfortably without stretching the hose, and that the bucket itself is positioned higher than you (so you get the benefit of gravity when it’s time for the coffee to make its grand entrance). Note: The higher the bucket, the faster the flow of coffee when you release the valve. You might want it closer to you when you first start out so you can have the coffee enter nice and slowly.
Release any air bubbles by slowly releasing the clamp on the tube – just until a little coffee dribbles out the end. We don’t want to put air up there!
Have some coconut oil within reach of the bath, and keep some towels nearby. Once you’ve got the enema in, you’re not going anywhere for a bit, so it’s nice to have that towel close by to dry your hands so you can use your phone, read your book, or do whatever you need to do without getting everything wet.
I like to get all of this set up, have my phone or an iPad close by cued up with my favorite mindless TV show (reruns of SVU, since you asked), and then get undressed and into the bath.
5) Ready, set, go!
Okay, now’s the moment of truth. You’re naked in the bath. Your coffee enema is ready to go. Take a few deep breaths. I know it’s highly counter-intuitive to stick something up your rear, but this is exactly what it’s time to do.
First thing is to lube yourself up well – I smear a bunch of coconut oil all over my anus as well as the nozzle of the enema. Slowly insert the tip until it’s about 1-2 inches in. You want it deep enough that the coffee is released well inside you (no squirting out), but not so deep that it’s uncomfortable. You can do this on your knees, bent over, you can do this lying on your back, or you can do this lying on your left side, and then rolling over to the right side once all the coffee is in. Do whatever feels the easiest for you. I wouldn’t say it feels awesome, but it’s not as painful as uncomfortable as it sounds. If it hurts, that’s a sign you’re doing it wrong. Mostly it’s just weird to be sticking something up there.
Take another deep breath.
Once you’ve assumed the desired position and have the nozzle inside, release the clamp on the tube to allow the coffee to come through. You can start/stop/start/stop the flow if you want to go really slowly –and I’d recommend this approach if it’s your first time having any sort of enema or colonic. It’s important to give your body a moment to get used to having the liquid inserted this way. The slower you go, the easier it will be to hold it.
Take another deep breath. Once all the coffee is inside you, make note of the time. Lie on your back or your right side and get as comfy as you can since you’re going to be here for the next 15 minutes. Take some more deep breaths. You might feel the urge to “evacuate”, but see if you can’t relax into it and hold things a little longer. I always find at first my body’s instinct is to release, but once I have taken a few deep belly breaths and relaxed, I hardly notice it. If the urge truly becomes unbearable, then by all means go to the toilet and release. You’ll be able to keep it in longer the more you do it.
Note: I like to leave the nozzle in the whole time because it feels like it gives me a “plug” effect. I know many people who like to remove it, but I find if I do, I simply can’t resist the urge to go and the enema is basically a bust. Try it both ways and see what works best for you.
Now… it’s time to relax. Here’s the great bonus of coffee enemas: a little “you” time. Watch some mindless TV, read a good book, or just chill out. I like to have a distraction and it’s one of the only times I let myself space out to TV.
6) Release the enema
At the 15 minute mark, carefully remove the nozzle from your rectum (a little coffee may spill out here – another bonus to being in the bath). Get out of the bath, do a quick towel off if you like, and go to the toilet, where you can finally release. And what a release it is!!! I just love this part. Let it ALLLLLL GOOOOOOOOO….
Don’t rush this process. You might feel done, but stay another minute or two just in case. Sometimes it comes in waves. Ahhhh the delicious release of it all!
7) Rinse and repeat
Congratulations, you’ve done the first round! Now it’s time for the second half of the coffee. Basically you want to repeat steps 4 through 6 a second time.
Why do this twice? Well, the first time is almost like a primer. It gets that surface stuff out. The second time goes a little deeper. Some people will say they can actually hear their gallbladder squirt (it sounds just like a little digestive gurgle that comes from the right side under your rib cage), but only on this second round.
8) Tidy up – don’t skip this step!
Once you’ve gone through the process twice, you’ll want to drain the bath and rinse out the enema bucket, hose, and nozzle. I like to rinse all three out several times with warm water, and then do a rinse with a little hydrogen peroxide, and then a few more warm water rinses. Then I hang it back up to dry in three separate parts.
Now, you’re basically done but I’d highly recommend staying close to home for the next hour just in case. You never know if you’re going to have the urge for more release, and I promise you’ll be happy you stayed home if you did.
That’s it! You’re done!
If you’re feeling intrigued and want to do some more reading on the topic, here are some articles that explain things in greater depth:
- The Kion Coffee Enema: Everything You’ve always wanted to know about coffee enemas, but were afraid to ask by Ben Greenfield.
- The Ultimate Liver Detox by MyGutsy
- How Coffee Enemas Work to Detoxify Liver and Bloodstream on Peak Health Now
- Coffee Enemas by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
- How Coffee Enemas Work from the Gerson Institute
- No Way! I’m not doing that! by Amy Love, NTP
If you’ve tried a coffee enema before, I’d love to hear your experience in the comments below. If you’re still skeptical, are you feeling a little closer to trying it out?
This is by far the best, most comprehensive explanation for how to do a coffee enema that I have ever seen. I love the way you addressed all concerns.
I’ve been doing it for years and I find it really relaxing. It’s like giving myself a spa treatment. I use the time to really relax. I feel so good afterwards. It lifts my moods and gives me great energy.
I do it in the tub too. I figured that out after a messy spill on a towel.
If people live in California, and don’t want to fill a tub with water, it might still a good idea to do the enema in a dry bath, incase the coffee spills out of the tube. I
I’m so glad you’re helping people understand the benefits. cheers!
Thanks, Deb! And thank you for being one of the people who inspired me to do finally try it! 🙂
Love the article
I’m inspired to do a coffee enema now
It’s a matter of finding all the supplies
Where to you get a bucket enema kit?
Thanks, Kathryn! If you look at the list of supplies there’s a link to a good resource for enema buckets in there.
Wow! I’m impressed! After many, many struggles with coffee enemas I would NEVER think of doing one in the bathtub. I have to say, you must have far better control than I do!
In 2010 I was diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer. I’d been reading about cancer alternatives for years, since there was a lot of cancer in one side of my family, and had no intention of submitting to chemo, radiation or, hopefully, not surgery. I was familiar with the Gerson therapy from reading Cancer Winner by Jacquie Davison, who had cured herself of stage 4 melanoma.
So I went to a clinic in Redlands, CA where I spent 10 days learning how to do the therapy. Right from the start I struggled with the enemas. We were supposed to work our way up to taking a quart of coffee and holding it 20 minutes. Five times a day. Even with others doing all the preparation, I could NEVER manage five coffee enemas. The most I managed was four. A quart? I was doing well to insert eight ounces. And HOLD it? I was thrilled, once, to hold it 14 minutes. Mostly I was on my knees cleaning up the bathroom floor after one to two minutes!
I read another book by another woman who cured melanoma with the Gerson therapy. She managed to read War and Peace while doing her enemas. Wow! Her story was truly amazing to me after my difficulties.
My hat is off to you, Margaret! I wish I could have made it work. But it’s OK. Five plus years later I’m still alive and thriving.
And, Rebecca, coffee enemas or not, the important part is that you’re a survivor and thriving! 🙂
Where is the clinic in Redlands? I live close and need help.
Thank you.
Hi Margaret, thank you for this wealth of information! How often should one do a coffee enema? Like on a maintenance basis? Thank you! 🙂
Hi Ange, different practitioners will recommend different things, but I’d say once or twice a week is a good maintenance protocol.
Margaret do you also find they really boost your mood?
I always feel great after doing one.
100%. Ridiculously so in fact. I’m almost annoying I’m so happy afterwards.
This article is great…on par with Dave Barry’s colonoscopy on 😉 Read it for a huge laugh and great info.
I’ve always been intrigued by colonics…never done one due to above mentioned reasonings. This goes a long way in reconsideration.
Looking forward to my 10 week plan and requested your book from our library…imagine, it was actually IN!
Thanks for the giggles
Very good, comprehensive breakdown. I’m curious why many people recommend boiling the coffee for 12 or so minutes. Can you not just use a French press as if you were to drink it, but just dilute it with some cool filtered water? Seems like it would make more sense but I’m a bit hesitant as everyone recommends boiling?
The longer “brew” time allows for more of the herbal properties to saturate the water, thus giving you greater healing benefit.
After reading this I searched several places for the most affordable kits that did not include plastic or latex and found it interesting that on the Gerson site the coffee enema kit they sell comes with a plastic bucket and latex catheter. Just curious about your thoughts on that?
I might be particular, but I do feel like the plastic would leach more readily than a stainless steel bucket. Honestly, though, it probably doesn’t make a huge difference. The coffee is in it for such a short amount of time.
I’ve been using coffee enemas for 2 months now. Within my first week of starting to use them, my adult cystic acne disappeared after years of trying everything under the sun! I have some eczema patches on my arms and now they’re finally starting to clear up as well. The coffee enemas have helped me with headaches, menstrual cramps and getting over a fever. I love using them, I’m still in disbelief that any method could work this well!
Amazing! What a wonderful testimonial. Thank you for sharing, Alex.
Hi Margaret,
I believe what Alex said about the coffee enemas.
If you do them correctly and not rush doing them, you will get good results.
I have been doing coffee enemas since 1990 for sciatica and herniated discs. Traditional medicine wants to fill us up medicines and not look at natural ways like coffee or herbal tea enemas. I believe that illnesses begin in the gut. If you stay away from gluten, sugar and processed foods we should be healthy.
I start my day with a 4 quart filtered water enema with 1 teaspoon of sea salt per quart. I then do my organic coffee enemas with 2 rounded tablespoons of coffee in 1 quart of filtered water for pain relief and liver detox. I use a french press coffee maker (no filters to filter out the therapeutic compounds found in coffee).
What I do for myself works for me. I am also putting together a portable herbal enema spice rack kit as my medicine cabinet that is located next to my trauma kit (you never know when emergencies pop up).
If you have any herbal remedies to share with me or want to ask me any questions please let me know by email.
Hi Margaret,
1) For coffee enemas: I use 1 or 2 tablespoons of organic coffee in 8 ounces of filtered water. To brew the coffee I use a french press (no paper filters to filter out any of the antioxidents or good compounds found in coffee). I use an 8 ounce bulb syringe to instill the coffee. I will wait 20 to 30 minutes to use the toilet or just let it fully absorb in the body.
2) For larger enemas (I can retain a 4 quart enema with 1 teaspoon of sea salt per quart of water for a minimum of 30 minutes): I use a roller clamp and a douche nozzle. The roller clamp adjust the flow rate and the douche nozzle reduces the pressure of the water flowing. Both of them together causes less cramping allowing you retain the enema. CAUTION : LADIES DO NOT USE THE DOUCHE NOZZLE FOR VAGINAL USE AFTER USING IT FOR AN ENEMA EVEN IF YOU CLEAN IT. YOU CAN STILL GET AN INFECTION.
Hi Margaret, thank you for posting this article! I was just diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer, Paget’s disease of the nipple. I have a colonic board and have been using that now since I had it stored for like 15 years without using it. I’m still confused about the difference between colonics and coffee enemas. Can you explain the differences and benefits? I want to be this naturally. Any suggestions or testimonies of people that have beat cancer naturally would be appreciated.
Hi Karen – my expertise isn’t with cancer, but I can certainly explain the difference between enemas and colonics. The biggest difference is in the volume of fluid and how far up into the colon it goes. A colonic uses much more water and it tends to go all the way to the ascending part of the colon (that’s the first third of the colon, and furthest away from the anus). An enema, on the other hand, is usually far less water (2-4 cups typically) and doesn’t go up as far. Colonics need to be done by a professional – the process is also sometimes called “colon hydrotherapy”. Enemas can be safely done at home.
Look up Chris beat cancer! I just learned about him and got so inspired with his God send story how he beat cancer so I bought his whole square one video program. It’s so easy to understand and step by step information! My husband and I have been thoroughly enjoying all of his video modules! We decided that we need to follow his program as a prevention. I have had several food allergies and my husband has had aches and ailments and he’s not even 40 yet. So we decided to take the plunge!! We are super excited about it!!
I have to say I didn’t want my fiance knowing I was doing one so I did it while he was at work… He probably would think I was crazy. But I have ibs and some reason after I tried this I haven’t had so many problems I used to from ibs.
Awesome! 🙂 It’s our secret!
It’s such a shame others don’t feel the same way about enemas!
Sounds like my ex. I had to give and get enemas, then later on the coffee enema, when he wasn’t around.
Optimalhealthnetwork.Com is great page.
Kristina has great health articles, sells oils, soaps, enemas and more.
No don’t work there or get anything.
Just think OHN (as it’s called) is good place.
By the way, this is a wonderful page here.
Thankful it is here for all to learn.
My conversation with my partner went like this
“Hey is your coffee organic?”
He says “why you don’t even drink coffee”
Me “I went to put it up my bum”
Him “you’re not putting my expensive coffee up your bum weirdo” gets up and leaves. I’m assuming to hide his coffee. Next thing I know he places the package in my hand to read ? Love the unconditional support even if it makes me a weirdo 🙂
I absolutely love this, Gina!!!
Can you use a water decaffeinated coffee for this or does it have to be caffeinated? I don’t drink caffeine and when I anciently have I feel really wired and would hate to feel like this.
You want to do it caffeinated, and if you’re very sensitive to caffeine, this may not be for you.
Hi Margaret, one of the best ones I have read.
Until I read your page, I received my enemas on the bathroom floor. ughh
I hated getting a enema on the floor. I hated being on the floor so much that I would not get an enema when I felt I needed one.
After reading your idea of filling the tub up with warm water for the enema, I immediately tried it. OMG love it. Your idea has made getting a enema so relaxing.
To make the tub comfortable, I put a towel in the tub to lay on in the filled tub. The warm bath water feels so relaxing when getting the enema.
Since I have toddlers, I have to find the time for my enemas.
Is there any harm in getting the CE late at night after they are in bed?
For my CE I use the 2 quart red rubber enema bag. I cannot afford the SS bucket set. Many say not to use the rubber bag for enemas.
Is using the rubber bag, or the small rubber bulb syringe for the children, that dangerous? I am concerned about leeching of toxins from the bag and the bulb syringe.
At what age can a coffee enema be given? I read not to give a coffee enema to a child.
The next time I am visiting the doctor I will ask.
I wouldn’t give a coffee enema to a child – once they’re in their late teens, you could, but if a child is having trouble eliminating then a good old fashioned plain water enema with some probiotics in it can be great.
The only risk with doing a coffee enema late at night is that it stimulates you and you can’t sleep. It affects everyone differently so you’ll only know when you try. I know I am WIDE awake afterwards, so it’s not something i can do (although I hear you not finding time with littles running about!!!)
Margaret, thanks for your reply.
Love your blog/article.
Agree best not to give the coffee enemas to one until in their late teens. And when it is time to give coffee enemas I will talk with doctor first.
Been a while since I been able to get back on here.
Since reading on here, I have gotten many coffee enemas in the tub. Laying on towel in the nice warm water. I used to get enemas on the bathroom floor. Your idea of getting enemas in the tub, full of warm water, is so so much better. Makes getting enemas so relaxing.
Since reading your reply on here, long time ago, I took your suggestion for giving them a “good old fashioned plain water enema.” Given with the rubber enema bulb syringe.
For those who haven’t done this with the enema bulb syringe for the child…I find best to give the enema with him laying across my lap. Towel on my lap. or, when laying on a towel on table. Never leave one alone on the table! Have every thing ready for the enema to be given. Then call or go get him.
A great book to have in the home is Prescription For Nutritional Healing. Every home should have a copy of it.
Whoops… forgot to tell….
Took your suggestion of giving them good old fashioned water enemas.
Works great.
Also, learned the catnip tea enema or the garlic enema are great for not only cleansing but good to bring fevers down too.
Love your suggestion of getting enemas when in the tub of warm water.
I may start giving mine the warm water or herbal enemas when in the tub. Fill tub up some with warm water. Put towel in the tub.
Great article! What do you suggest for vitamins; I’ve read enzymes, liver pills. Additionally, does the enema works as a liver,colon detox? Or would one want to do that as well? There is so much information on detox, I found the coffee enema to be less intimidating.
Additionally, how many tones would one need to do the enemas, if just starting?
I’d start with once a week as a good starting point.
What is your opinion of doing a coffee enima while breastfeeding? I read another article you said it was safe but didnt mention it here.
My kidneys have been hurting and I feel like my whole system needs a reboot but I dont want toxins to enter breastmilk. Thanks!
I can’t provide medical advice here and my tendency is to be extra cautious with these things when breastfeeding. I will say that I did some coffee enemas while nursing, but only occasionally and only after I had been doing all the steps I outlined in my Detox While Breastfeeding article.
A coffee enema is amazing can I do it every day for the whole month then stop for a few days?
why do I get the better lovely mood every time I do it?
Can we get addicted to a coffee enema?
Thank you for being great! And this article
Daily enemas might be a bit much – I’d recommend sticking with 1-2 a week. You don’t want to overdo it. You feel great afterwards because it’s a nice flush of toxins! Your body is getting rid of some old garbage, and that always feels good 🙂 And in terms of addiction… feeling great is pretty addictive, so yeah, it’s a thing 😉
Thanks for suggesting this article, Margaret. A true oldie goldie!
It’s been on my to-do list for a while, for both writing and self-experimenting :).
I already did an enema with plain water and a bit of ACV. After reading your article, there’s nothing left for me but to schedule the one with coffee.
Letting you know how it worked! Don’t worry, I won’t go into details 🙂
Margaret, is it normal to not be able to “go” for more than a day after a coffee enema (first time). Thanks.
It really depends on your overall GI function and health. For most people, they’ll be right on track the next day. But if you tend to a slower transit time, constipation generally, if you’re not hydrated, if you’re not eating sufficient fats or fiber (and many other reasons)… these are all reasons that it could take an extra day to get back to normal. It’s a very bio-individual thing.
Hey Margaret! I was doing a search on the safety of these while breastfeeding- what is your take on that? I wouldn’t think any toxins would be released in the milk through an enema detox, would you?
Hi Hannah, did you see Margaret’s post on Detoxing while breastfeeding? Let us know if that doesn’t provide the answer you’re looking for. Thanks!
Thanks for making such a cool post which is really very well written. Will be referring a lot of friends about this. Keep blogging.
Hi. Great article. I have been doing colonic irrigation for the past year or so to aid with my arthritis and Autoimmune disease.
About 3 weeks ago my colonic therapist introduced a coffee ennima at the end of the colonic.
I have never felt better. it took a few days for it to work, however, it has realy worked well. I have been able to cut down on the anti inflam medication I have been taking.
In the last few days I have been doing home Coffee Enemas. Doing a two enema cleans. I am able to hold the enema with no problems.
Question is what is the max recomend time to hold the coffee enema? I have read that the longer the better, but most say 15 mins..
Hi Barry, I don’t know that there is a max time, but I wouldn’t leave it in longer than 15 mins.
I have finally done my 1st enema last night, before going to bed.I made the coffee using 3 tbs of Sa Wilson coffee,and all in one round (1 quart coffee all at once).I didn’t realized that the flow was too fast,even though it was set on slow,and went all in in seconds. I managed to hold it in for the whole 15 min.I did have some issues afterwards of not being able to release it all at once,and had to walk to make it come out.It took me over 2 hours to finally release it.I felt dizzy, shaking and nauseous. Was able to sleep for less than 3 hours, and woke up with severe stomach pain,stomach gurgling,shortness of breath and shaking.Even though I have a very healthy diet, I recently developed eczema. I will be visiting my mom,who has been diagnosed with cancer,in about 3 weeks.I would like to get rid of it before,as I don’t want to burden her more with my issues.
Anyone has an idea why am I having these issues?
Is it safe to continue doing coffee enemas?
Thank you.
Ann, cannot say, of course, if it is safe for you to continue getting enemas. Probably, best to talk with your doctor before continuing with enemas.
From what I read in your comment, you “may” have taken the enema too fast.
Sounds like you got a one quart enema…which was done in seconds! To me that sounds like way too fast.
If ok’d by your doctor, absent of any other health issues and you want to do another enema, take it very slowly.
I was hoping Margaret would have read your comment and given you a reply.
Not being able to release all of the enema solution could mean it was absorbed. And takes time for some to come back out.
The “gurgling” most likely is the solution moving around. I have had this happen a few times.
The shortness or breath, shaking, and such could be from the detoxing of the liver.
Again, best to talk with your doctor.
Sorry about your mom. Bless her.
One of the remedies for eczema is to cleanse. And enemas are one of the best ways.
I get an enema a few times a month. And give enemas in my home often.
Not giving medical advice, but I would take a smaller volume enema. Not a coffee enema. Using the enema bulb syringe to administer it. Then observe how felt.
Then do an enema, not coffee enema, with the enema bag or bucket. Taking it very slowly and observing how felt.
If all is fine after doing the regular enemas, and ok’d by your doctor, then get a coffee enema. Taken slowly! and made the proper solution strength.
Sometimes when a patient receives an enema he may be light headed and has tummy feeling different.
When I give enemas in my home I have the one who was given the enema rest in bed for at least an hour after he is given the enema.
Ann, since your comment is fairly recent…hope you still read and comment on here.
Margaret has very good information on here for the coffee enema.
Also, try to read in book Prescription For Nutritional Healing. Has great home natural remedies.
And, read on page optimalhealthnetwork.com
And, read on page annieplacetolearn.com
You will find helpful information for helping with your eczema. Pray it has gotten better and so has your mom.
I gave enemas to help with eczema. The enemas helped.