Last year at the Weston A Price Foundation annual conference, I was lucky enough to run into Max Kane, founder of and passionate advocate of a real food lifestyle. Now, both of these things are wonderful but not that unusual for the WAPF conference. What stuck out about Max was what he was eating: a big plate of raw grass fed ground beef.

As we got to chatting, I learned that Max had been eating a raw primal diet for many years and absolutely thriving on it. He is one of the people who inspired my own experiment, and generously agreed to be interviewed to share a little about his own journey.

Margaret: What inspired you to eat a raw primal diet?
Max: I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at the age of ten. I wasn’t getting the results I wanted through conventional treatment. In my early twenties I looked into lifestyle and diet as a means to maintain my health.

Margaret: What changes did you notice when you started eating this way?
Max: I started gaining weight, which was great for someone who was super thin like myself. I became less angry and more open to creative thinking.

[Margaret sidebar:Max looks freaking amazing and extremely healthy, by the way.]

Margaret: How long have you been eating this way?
Max: About 9 years.

Margaret: How do you ensure your food is safe?
Max: I ensure my food is safe by educating myself on my food sources and their production standards. I also eat my food raw which adds an extra layer of safety since cooking food creates toxicity in the food.

Margaret: Describe a typical day of food.
Max: 12 raw eggs from grazing chickens
1 pound of raw grass fed beef
1/2 gallon of raw grass fed milk
1/2 pounds of raw grass fed butter
raw cream, raw cheeses, and raw fruits

[Margaret sidebar: whoa….]

Margaret: How do you handle social engagements – going out for dinner, and so on?
Max: I always order sushi, steak tartar, or beef carpaccio. Sometimes I just bring my own food and explain that I had health challenges as a youth, and that this is the only way I found to stay healthy. Everyone is very understanding once I explain.

Margaret: Have you traveled “raw”? How were you able to stay on the diet?
Max: I always bring my own food when I travel, especially the raw dairy because it’s so hard to get food quality raw diary. If I’m visiting someone who eats raw I don’t have to bring as much food. If I’m going to a special engagement, sometimes I’ll bring some raw 100% grass fed sheep butter just to show off.

[Margaret sidebar: I’d like to get my hands on some of that!!]

Margaret: Do you ever diverge? What are the circumstances? When is it appropriate to diverge?
Max: When I started eating raw I went 100% for about 5 years or so. After enough time passed I was curious as to what would happen to me if I ate cooked food, so I tried a meal here and there. When I eat cooked food I notice a huge decrease in my energy and other undesirable symptoms will occur the longer I eat cooked food. Currently 99% of my diet is raw. A couple times per year I’ll eat a cooked meal to see how I feel afterward. I use it kind of as a gauge to determine how healthy I am.

Margaret: Does your body ever crave cooked foods?
Max: Once in a great while I crave the “texture” of cooked meat, but not usually. As far as taste goes, I notice that any cravings I experience are more for raw food.

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