by Eat Naked Kitchen | Nov 4, 2020 | Lifestyle
We were just over four miles into a 10-mile run when it happened. We were in the beautiful Forest Park in Portland’s northwest. It’s a lovely trail for long runs with mile-markers every quarter mile and a nice wide path with few hazards. No concrete, the quiet...
by Eat Naked Kitchen | Oct 12, 2020 | Health & Nutrition, Lifestyle, Uncategorized
I first sat down to write about whitespace in April 2018. It’s now October 2020, two and a half years later, and I’m only just now putting pen to paper. Wanna know why? I didn’t have the space to write it. Oh, the irony. In the health world, we talk a lot about...
by Eat Naked Kitchen | Sep 23, 2020 | Health & Nutrition
I came home and cried. I’d just been given what felt like a lifelong sentence to food purgatory. Going into the appointment with my Naturopath I joked that she’d take away all my favorite foods: cheese, pasta, chocolate, coffee and wine. Coming out, I was grim. If...
by Eat Naked Kitchen | Sep 16, 2020 | Health & Nutrition
Important disclaimer: I am not a doctor and the information presented here is for your information only, not for the purposes of diagnosing, treating, or curing any ailment. It is your responsibility to seek appropriate medical advice from a qualified health care...
by Eat Naked Kitchen | Sep 8, 2020 | Health & Nutrition, Kitchen-School, Mains
What’s for lunch? I loathe that question. It’s a simple enough idea – what to eat for the noontime meal – but it can inspire panic, especially if I haven’t planned ahead. What IS for lunch? Is there anything healthy? Anything appetizing? Anything QUICK that doesn’t...
by Eat Naked Kitchen | Aug 23, 2020 | Fermentation, Kids, Recipes, Sides
We’re on a fermented foods kick over here at the Floyd-Barry household. We LOVE our ferments of all kinds: cultured veggies (aka homemade, lacto-fermented sauerkraut), pickles, kombucha, kim chi… We include something fermented with pretty much every meal we eat. ...