by Eat Naked Kitchen | May 30, 2014 | Lifestyle
In last week’s installment of Fitness Friday, our fitness training partner, Laura Coleman, showed us both one of the root problems of core and hip instability (not crawling as a baby) and then how to fix it (crawl like a baby – so much harder than it...
by Eat Naked Kitchen | May 28, 2014 | Lifestyle
I have held off all writing this week in order to share with you one of the most important projects I’ve encountered pertaining to natural health. Let me introduce you to the Canary Kids project: a recovery program, a movie project, and a chance to change the world in...
by Eat Naked Kitchen | May 23, 2014 | Lifestyle
The first time I worked with Laura, she had me put stickers on all my major joints (ankles, knees, hips, elbows, shoulders) and then walk around and look at my alignment in a mirror as I did so. It was kind of amazing how those dots didn’t line up and jogged all...
by Eat Naked Kitchen | May 16, 2014 | Lifestyle
You know that moment when you bend over to pick something up, and as you’re standing up you feel a spasm, and then lots of pain, and you think “oh man, I’m just like the guy in the back pain commercials!” Well, it’s not about getting...
by Eat Naked Kitchen | May 14, 2014 | Desserts, Kids, Recipes, Snacks, Snacks-Sweet
We’re in the middle of a heat wave here in LA, and the other day Chef James made magic happen in a blender. He whipped up some watermelon, poured it into some popsicle molds, and a few hours later we were munching on some seriously delicious and wildly refreshing...
by Eat Naked Kitchen | May 12, 2014 | Health & Nutrition
I spend a fair amount of time on social media these days, and I confess I’m developing a wee pet peeve: those “top superfoods” pictograms that show a bunch of different fruits and vegetables that you should eat on a daily basis. Now, I don’t have anything against...