Jamie Oliver’s call for a naked diet

From the original naked foodie himself, this is one of the best calls for eating naked I’ve seen in a while. Jamie Oliver, the Naked Chef, speaks on Ted Talks about the food crisis in America with special focus on its impact on children. Passionate, brilliant,...

Living 2010 Fully

Today is the first Monday of the first week of the first month of the first year of a new decade… The air is brimming with possibility and promise. The year Twenty-Ten. Just saying it out loud feels good. This is the time of year where we are afforded the...

Announcing Eat Naked!

Welcome to Eat Naked. I’m so excited to share my new website with you. It’s full of recipes, fun and easy food preparation tips, and all sorts of resources on how to eat without the extras so you look and feel great. Take a look around, have fun exploring,...

Local, organic groceries right to your door

I tell anyone who will listen that I love everything about food: eating it, cooking it, growing it, healing the world with it. I have to stand corrected on this “everything”, though, as I realize there is one piece of it that I really don’t enjoy:...
A sacred space to honor our bodies

A sacred space to honor our bodies

When was the last time you took a few minutes to really appreciate your body? To feel good in your skin and thank all the processes that happen without you having to think about them or do anything about them? (like breathe or circulate blood or digest your food...

The Eat Naked Kitchen Gluten Free Guide

Get your free guide for:

*Tips for eating gluten free at restaurants
*To learn common food items that contain gluten
*A full list of foods to add in and what grains to choose instead
*Our favorite brands for gluten free foods

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