Labors of Love

Today is Labor Day, a national holiday in both of my home countries (Canada and the US, in case you didn’t know). To celebrate this long weekend and the end of a wonderful summer, I spent a couple of hours doing something that gives me some of the greatest...

Ode to a Perfect Sunday

Very atypically for me, I left this past weekend wide open and plan-free. To be at home for a weekend is unusual for me. To be at home and without a jam-packed calendar is unheard of. The results were delightful, and more evidence that leaving space in your life for...
Meditative Moments

Meditative Moments

One of the often-forgotten but oh-so-critical elements to healthy living is a quiet and peaceful mind. Clear thinking, reduced stress, and better sleep are just some of the many benefits attributed to such a state. Personally, this is one of my biggest health...

The Eat Naked Kitchen Gluten Free Guide

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*Tips for eating gluten free at restaurants
*To learn common food items that contain gluten
*A full list of foods to add in and what grains to choose instead
*Our favorite brands for gluten free foods

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