by Eat Naked Kitchen | Aug 2, 2016 | Lifestyle
I am so thrilled to have Elizabeth Walling as our guest blogger this week. I’ve been following Elizabeth for years over at her wonderful blog, The Nourished Life, and am a huge fan. Here, Elizabeth addresses an aspect of healing that we don’t talk about...
by Margaret Floyd Barry | Jun 22, 2016 | Lifestyle
“Everything, everything, everything.” This was the mantra of a women’s group I belonged to years ago. In essence, it means how we do one thing is how we do everything. Nowhere in my life has this been more evident than with the births of my two daughters. As a woman,...
by Eat Naked Kitchen | Dec 16, 2015 | Lifestyle
Today’s guest post comes all the way from Cincinnati, from one of my dear colleagues Janelle Johnson-Grove. Janelle and I went to the same nutrition school and what I particularly love about her work is her focus on the emotional and spiritual aspect of food and...
by Eat Naked Kitchen | Dec 2, 2015 | Lifestyle
grat-i-tude, noun the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness It is the season of gratitude and although we are officially a week out from Thanksgiving here in the US, I’m still bubbling over with appreciation and awe...
by Eat Naked Kitchen | Oct 1, 2015 | Lifestyle
I want to share a disturbing set of numbers with you: 5% of US food is organic. The organic industry is growing at a rate of 10-12% per year (for the non-economists like myself, this is MASSIVE growth). And yet, only 1% of US agricultural land is organic. That last...
by Eat Naked Kitchen | Aug 21, 2015 | Lifestyle
This weekend, at the 2015 Food Freedom Fest, I had the privilege of spending time with some very inspiring people: farmers who are bucking the industrial farming system in favor of using cutting edge practices that honor the natural biorhythms of the earth, the...