You know that moment when you bend over to pick something up, and as you’re standing up you feel a spasm, and then lots of pain, and you think “oh man, I’m just like the guy in the back pain commercials!”
Well, it’s not about getting older or being out of shape — it’s actually about how you’re bending over in the first place, and what muscles you’re using to do so. I should know… the first time this happened to me I was in my early 20s and in great shape. But I was doing one very important thing that triggered the issue: I was bending wrong.
We all “know” to bend at the waist and bend our knees, but do we do it? For that matter, do we even really understand what it means?
Lucky for us the fabulous Laura Coleman of Just Muscles is here to explain and demonstrate.
Laura Coleman rocked my world a few years back when she helped me get to the root of all the knee and lower-back issues I’d had since my teens. In just a couple of sessions, Laura put me on a simple program of rehab exercises (unlike any I’d ever seen before) that brought my body back into alignment and actually fixed the problem that no physiotherapist, massage therapist, or chiropractor had ever been able to solve. I was hooked! We’ve been terrific friends and shared many clients since, and I’m delighted that she has offered to share her wisdom with all of you via this Fitness Friday video series. Laura lives in Portland, OR with her two gorgeous daughters. She works her magic at Club Sport and with clients all over the continent via the magic of technology (aka Skype). Check out her blog and website here.