Have you ever sliced into the most perfect avocado, used some of it, only to come back later to a hard, brown, useless mess? There’s nothing more tragic than a wasted avocado.

Okay, there’s LOTS more tragic than a wasted avocado, but still… perfect avocados are awesome and should be cherished.

This week, Chef James shares his tricks and tips for how to keep avocados from browning and how to make the perfectly bright green guacamole that doesn’t brown after the fact.

Have your own avocado tricks? We’d love to hear them! Please share them in the comments below.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”How to keep your avocados from browning. You may not like the answer.” quote=”How to keep your avocados from browning. You may not like the answer.”]

Have a cooking hack you’d like to learn more about from Chef James or a nutrition question for Margaret? Leave it in the comments below and we’ll answer it in an upcoming video.


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