Organ Meat: An unlikely superfood

Organ Meat: An unlikely superfood

One of my favorite conversations with a client is when I broach the topic of organ meat. Their facial reaction typically ranges from disgust to horror, to disbelief, to “you’re not going to ask me to eat that are you??” Very occasionally I’ll come across that rare gem...
Healthy, Hangover-Free Wine!

Healthy, Hangover-Free Wine!

It was just another Friday morning for most people, but for me, it was a nightmare unfolding. Pounding headache. Churning stomach. Light like daggers through my bloodshot eyes. I dragged my aching self out of bed and sipped on some strong coffee, but it came right...
How to have the perfect poo

How to have the perfect poo

Did you know there’s a “holy grail” of poo? Yup. I’m not making that up. In the world of natural health, there’s a gold standard bowel movement, which frankly we rarely see.  Your poo is perfect if:  It has the consistency of soft-serve ice cream: smooth and easy. Not...
Super Simple Slow-Cooker Short Ribs

Super Simple Slow-Cooker Short Ribs

While summer took longer than usual to make its exit, as I look outside my office window in Portland OR at the pouring rain, it certainly feels like fall has arrived. And with the colder weather and shorter days, all I want for dinner is some warm and nourishing that...

The Eat Naked Kitchen Gluten Free Guide

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*Tips for eating gluten free at restaurants
*To learn common food items that contain gluten
*A full list of foods to add in and what grains to choose instead
*Our favorite brands for gluten free foods

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