I was recently interviewed on a new podcast – Creating A Parallel Society with Sarah Climenhaga – where we explored an alternate reality where health and thriving wellness are the norm. I don’t often get to talk big picture like this, and it was a delight to dig into some of the broader questions that influence all of our health on a daily basis.

Sarah asked me some powerful questions and we got very rooted in what’s not working, but I realized after the fact that I didn’t spend enough time on a vision for what could be.

Here is that vision:

(I recommend listening to the podcast here first!)

I see a world where the quality of the soil and thus the quality of our food supply is steadily increasing, not depleting. Where the government subsidizes regenerative agriculture and family farms, not monocrop industrial agriculture and feedlots.

I see a world where access to real, whole food is a basic human right and protected fiercely as such.

I see a world where the cost of a food is relative to the processing it has undergone: the most processed, least nutrient-dense foods are the most expensive and hardest to get; the least processed, most nutrient-dense foods are the least expensive and most widely available.

I see a world where the first question asked and explored by all health professionals is “why?” A world where looking for the root cause of any kind of health issue is regular practice and the first course of action, not the last.

I see a world where individuals are empowered to make the healthier choice: it’s the easier, more convenient, less expensive choice. I see a world where making this healthier choice is celebrated and rewarded, not mocked.

I see a world where we work together to create an environment in which the human body can truly thrive. A world where clean air, clean water, and lots of time outdoors in nature are the norm.

I see a world where businesses create work schedules that honor the body’s biorhythms and needs, not override them.

I see a world where medication, surgery and other more intrusive medical procedures are used sparingly and strategically in cases of acute care and when no other option is sufficient.

In this podcast, we discuss how we can start moving towards this vision through our own individual actions.

What do you see? I’d love to hear your thoughts – let’s crowdsource this vision together! Please share your vision in the comments below.

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